Global IT

Welcome to the Department of Software at Ajou University.

Introduction to Global IT

Ajou University's Global IT major corresponds to the software major of the College of Information and Communication, and became a single major in 2019.
Global IT major aims to foster software development capability in students, which is a core competency in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Therefore, this program does not pursue academic and theoretical education; however, students will first learn skills required for software developers, such as basic computer programming, software development methods, data structure, algorithm, communication, system programming, database, and operating system, which are the skills required by software developers. Students will then perform multiple software projects in the form of intensive education to learn skills required in real projects.

Thus, this program aims to cultivate a workforce that can be put into real projects right away.

Advantages of Global IT Major
  • Employment-oriented
    • Global IT major provides employment opportunities at Korean/Chinese global IT companies through practical education.
    • The annual salary of a new employee at a Korean IT company (in the case of small and medium-sized companies) is 30-50 million won.
  • Latest curriculum
    • Global IT major courses include subjects such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, and IoT, which are cutting-edge technologies.
  • Excellent graduate school
    • Most of the courses in Global IT graduate school are taught in English, and most graduate students receive scholarships.
  • Operation of the project is sufficiently supported by the national government
    • BK21(Brain Korea 21) - the Korean version of Project 985 (two projects for total research expenses of two billion won/year)
    • Software-centric university - it is a national program to foster the software workforce, and Ajou University was selected when the first eight universities were selected (two billion won/year)